学术讲座:Advances of Experimental Mechanics Techniques and Their Impacts
主讲人:姜复本(Chiang Fu-pen)简介:学术报告主 题:Advances o时间:2019-01-14地点:水利水电学院A223主 题:Advances of Experimental Mechanics Techniques and Their Impacts
时 间:1月15日(周二)下午15:30
地 点:水利水电学院A223
主讲人:姜复本(Chiang Fu-pen)
Fu-pen Chiang, SUNY Distinguished Professor. His research emphasis is on the development of optical and other experimental mechanics techniques and their applications to stress analysis (including NDE), fracture and fatigue of engineering and biological materials and structures. He has written over 192 articles published in 60 archival journals and 227 articles published in numerous conference proceedings. Google Scholar citations are 6146 up to May.4.2017. He received W. M. Murray Lecturer(2018), Theocaris Award (2015), Frocht Award (2008) and Lazan Award (1993) from the Society of Experimental Mechanics, Life Time Achievement Award (2016) from European Society for Experimental Mechanics and Life Time Achievement Medal (2012) from the International Conference of Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences. He has been the editor of Int. J. of Optics and Lasers in Engineering, the associate editor of J. of Experimental Mechanics, the guest editor of J. of Optical Engineering, and the Editorial Board Member of Int. J. of Optics & Lasers in Engineering and Sinica Mechanica. Dr. Chiang is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, SPIE – International Society of Optics and Photonics, Optical Society of America, and the Society for Experimental Mechanics.