土木工程系主任助理。主要从事土木工程领域的科研与教学工作。重点研究方向:新型建筑材料的力学性能、耐久性能和疲劳性能的多尺度研究;新型建筑材料构件的结构行为表现;高强高性能建筑材料的功能性研究; 固废物资源化利用;城市可持续化发展等。
1、腐蚀环境下地聚物再生混凝土冻融循环损伤机理及力学性能研究(51208325) (主持)
2、力-化学-气候多场条件下地聚物再生混凝土的力学性能研究(2012SCU11042) (主持)
3、复合腐蚀环境下地聚物再生混凝土冻融循环损伤机理(2013KF06) (主持)
1、渐进性与灾变性破坏力学及防灾减灾 国家自然科学基金NSFC-10925211(200万),2010.1-2013.12
2、动力灾变力学与防灾减灾 教育部创新团队项目ITR-1027(300万),2011-2013
3、 大跨度波形钢腹板PC箱梁桥疲劳特性实验及数值分析研究 国家自然科学基金 项目批准号:50978174 (36万),2010-2012
4、地震建筑垃圾再生混凝土物理力学性能研究 华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放研究项目(2009KB22)(4.2万),2009.9.1-2011.9.1
5、 SCU-Monash Uni.中澳合作项目,地震建筑垃圾再生混凝土力学与结构性能研究。
1、 Xiao-Shuang Shi, Qing-Yuan Wang, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Frank G. Collins. Structural behaviour of geopolymeric recycled concrete filled steel tubular columns under axial loading. Construction and Building Materials. 2015, 81:187-197.
2、 X.S. Shi, F.G. Collins, X.L. Zhao and Q.Y. Wang. Mechanical properties and microstructure analysis of fly ash geopolymeric recycled concrete. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2012,237-238: 20-29.
3、 石宵爽,王清远,龙涛,李浪. 钢管地聚物再生混凝土短柱轴压荷载下的实验研究,工程力学. 2014, 31(6): 65-72.
4、 唐灵,张红恩,黄琪,王清远,石宵爽*. 粉煤灰基地聚物再生混凝土的抗硫酸盐性能研究。四川大学学报(工程科学版),2015,47(4):164-170.
5、 Tang Ling, Zhang Hoongen, Huang Qi, Wang Qingyuan, Shi Xiaoshuang*. Research on resistance to sulfates of fly ash based geopolymeric recycled concrete. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2015, 47(4):164-170.
6、 唐灵,黄琪,王清远,张红恩,石宵爽*. 同一硫酸盐环境下地聚物混凝土与普通混凝土的耐蚀性能及机理分析。材料导报,2015, 29(3):129-134.
7、 Tang Ling, Huang Qi, Wang Qingyuan, Zhang Hongen, Shi Xiaoshuang*. Research on corrosion resistance and relevant mechanism of geopolymer concrete and ordinary concrete in the same sulfate solution. Materials Review, 2015, 29(3):129-134.
8、 黄琪,石宵爽*,王清远,唐灵,张红恩。再生粗骨料对粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土碳化性能的影响。硅酸盐通报,2015,5(34):1264-1281.
9、 黄琪,石宵爽*,王清远,唐灵。粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土的碳化性能研究。中国农村水利水电,2015,7:121-125.
10、 石宵爽,王清远,等. PBL剪力连接件粘结滑移性能的静载推出试验研究,工程力学学报,2012,29(1):168-175.
11、 X.S. Shi, Q.Y. Wang, X.L. Zhao and F. Collins (2012). Experimental study on strength and ductility of steel tubular stub columns filled with geopolymeric recycled concrete. Tubular Structures ⅩⅣ- Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS14, p 757-764.
12、 SHI Xiao-shuang, WANG Qing-yuan, QI Ci-chang, ZHAO Xiao-ling, Experimental study on the properties of recycled aggregate concrete with different replacement ratios from earthquake-stricken area. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 2010,42(Supp.1):1-7.
13、 石宵爽,王清远. 从灾后重建探讨再生混凝土的研究现状及其应用发展,四川大学学报(工程科学版),2009,41(3):301-310.
14、 Shi Xiao-shuang, Wang Qing-yuan, Li Lang, Long Tao. Properties of environmental friendly concrete containing recycled coarse aggregate and fly ash. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,368-370:957-962.
15、 Xiaoshuang Shi, Qingyuan Wang, Yunrong Luo. Discuss the properties of structural steel and applications of waste concrete from post-earthquake investigation. Open Journal of Earthquake Research, 2013,2, 32-37.
16、 Shi Xiao-shuang, Wang Qing-yuan, Zhao Xiao-ling, Frank Collins. Discussion on properties and microstructure of geopolymer concrete containing fly ash and recycled aggregate. Advanced Material Research, 2012, 450-451:1577-1583.
17、 X.S. SHI, Q.Y.WANG, C.C.QIU, X.L.ZHAO. Mechanical properties of recycled concrete filled steel tubes and double skin tubes. 2nd International Conference on Waste Engineering and Management, 13th-15th Oct., Shanghai, China. RILEM Proceedings, 2010,73: 559-567.
18、 Shi Xiao-shuang, Wang Qing-yuan, Qiu Ci-chang, Zhao Xiao-ling (2010), Recycling construction and demolition waste as sustainable environmental management in post-earthquake reconstruction. 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE, 18th - 20th Jun., Chengdu, China.
19、Xiao-Shuang Shi, Qing-Yuan Wang, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Frank Collins (2010). Strength and ductility of recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tubes and double skin tubes, 21st Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 7th-10th Dec., Melbourne, Australia.
20、石宵爽,曾祥国,等. 超前开挖距离对大跨度小净距隧道稳定性影响的有限元分析,四川建筑科学研究,2008,34(2):132-137.
Construction and Building Materials, Reviewer
Materials Research Innovations, Reviewer
2013年 四川大学青年骨干教师
2013年 第22届全国结构工程学术会议论文集优秀论文二等奖