![]() | 姓名: 朱哲明 性别: 男 出生年月: 1965-10 学位: 博士 职称: 教授 电子邮箱: zhemingzhu@hotmail.com;zhuzm1965@163.com 通讯地址: 四川大学建筑与环境学院力学教研室, 邮编: 610065 |
现为四川大学特聘教授,博士生导师,为2014年中国高被引学者(在岩石力学及采矿工程领域中国仅有2人入榜)。获得博士学位于著名的 McGill 大学,博士后及后来工作于著名的 Toronto 大学。先后在10余种国际著名刊物上,如 《Journal of Engineering Mechanics》,《Geological Magazine》,《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》,《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》,《Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids》,《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》,《Surface Review and Letters》,《Engineering Geology》,《Journal of Applied Geophysics》,《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》,《International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation》,《Experimental Techniques》 以及国内的《力学学报》,《固体力学》,《计算力学学报》,《实验力学》,《岩石力学与工程》,《煤炭学报》,《岩土力学》,《岩土工程》等发表一百多篇论文. 其中两篇论文在《国际石力学与采矿工程》期刊中为Most Cited Paper.
其中f 是裂纹表面摩擦系数, 是裂纹倾角, 是含裂纹材料的单轴抗压强度, 和 是主应力。经简化该准则可转化为最大剪应力准则,在无裂隙时该准则转化为著名的库伦摩尔准则;
2、首次成功将AUTODYN软件开发应用于岩石动态破坏的数值模拟研究中,成功模拟了岩石、混凝土等脆性材料的动态破坏过程,给出了其破坏机理。在该方面发表的论文多次被引用,其中两篇论文在国际岩石力学期刊中为Most Cited Paper;
3、给出了地球上部岩体中应力大小的范围,并成功解释了如下地球物理现象:即在地壳表面附近,水平应力与垂直应力比值 ()分布在一个较广范围内,但在深部区域,却分布在竖直线 周围一个狭小范围内。
《高等数值分析》、 《非线性数值计算》、 《高等计算力学》、 《高等岩石力学》、
《计算力学》、 《工程中的数理方法》、 《工程中的计算方法》
1. 含水裂隙岩体在动载荷作用下的破坏特性(2012DTPY015)(主持)
2. 动载荷反复作用下节理裂隙岩体的动力学响应(51074109) (主持)
3. 深部页岩体的静动态本构关系研究(2012LF1009) (主持)
4. 带裂隙岩体在压缩载荷作用下的稳定性研究(2008JY0041) (主持)
5. 深部岩体强卸荷大变形(2010CB732005)(参与)
6. 带裂隙岩体在压缩载荷作用下的破坏强度准则(2008890) (主持)
7. 深部岩体的工程特性研究的子项目——深部岩体裂隙扩展理论及数值分析(50639100-01)(主持)
8. 节理裂隙岩体在爆炸载荷作用下的稳定性研究(2010SCU21020)(主持)
9. 地震波或冲击波作用下裂隙岩体动态响应特征(2014JY0002)(主持)
1. Zhu Zheming, Xu Wentao and Feng Ruoqi. (2015) A new Method for Measuring Mode-I Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Rock under Blasting Loads. Experimental Techniques, doi:10.1111/ext.12137.
2. Zhu Zheming, Wang C, Kang J. Li Y. and Wang M. (2014). Study on the Mechanism of Zonal Disintegration around an Excavation. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 67: 88-95.
3. Ren Li, Zhu Zheming, Wang M., Zheng T. and Ai, T. (2014). Study on mixed mode elastic-plastic fractures: An improved R-criterion, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 140(6): 04014033.
4. Zheng Tao, Zhu Zheming, Wang B. and Zeng L. (2014). Stress Intensity Factor for an Infinite Plane containing three Collinear Cracks under Compression. J. of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 94(10):853-861.
5. Zhu Zheming, Zeng Ligang, Liu Kai and Fu Yangcheng (2014). A finite-difference scheme combining with finite-volume technique by using general quadrilateral cells. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 15 (5):279-287.
6. Zhu Zheming (2013). Evaluation of the Range of Horizontal Stresses in the Earth’s Upper Crust by using a Collinear Crack Model. Journal of Applied Geophysics 88(1):114-121.
7. Jin Wencheng,Zhu Zheming, and Gao M (2013). A General Method to Determine the stress intensity factor of Multiple Collinear Cracks. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18(4): 397-408
8. Ren Li., Zhu Zheming, Yang Q, and Ai T (2013). Investigation on the Applicability of Several Fracture Criteria to the Mixed Mode Brittle Fractures. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2013: 1-11, Article ID 545108.
9. Li Y., Zhu Zheming (2012). Study on the Velocity of P waves across a single Joint based on Fractal and Damage Theory, Engineering Geology 151:82-88.
10. Li Y., Zhu Zheming, Li B. Deng J. and Xie H (2011). Study on the Transmission and Reflection of Stress Waves across Joints. Inter. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 48(3): 364-371.
11. Zhu Zheming (2009). Numerical Prediction of Crater Blasting and Bench Blasting. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 46:1088-1096.
12. Zhu Zheming (2009). An Alternative Form of Propagation Criterion for Two Collinear Cracks under Compression. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 14(6):727-746.
13. Zhu Zheming, Xie Heping and Mohanty B. (2008). Numerical Investigation of Blasting -induced damage in Cylindrical Rocks. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 45(2): 111-121.
14. Zhu Zheming, Mohanty B. and Xie Heping (2007). Numerical investigation of blasting- induced crack initiation and propagation in rocks. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 44(3): 412-424.
15. Zhu Zheming, Wang L., Mohanty B. and Huang C (2006). Stress intensity factor for a cracked specimen under compression, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 73 (4):482-489.
16. Zhu Zheming (1999). New Biaxial Failure Criterion for Brittle Materials in Compression, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 125(11):1251-1258.
17. Ji S., and Zhu Zheming (1998). Relationship Between Joint Spacing and Bed Thickness in sedimentary rocks: effects of interbed slip. Geological Magazine, 135(5): 637-655.
18. Zhu Zheming, Xie Heping and Ji S (1997). The mixed boundary problems for a mixed mode crack in a finite plate, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 56(5):647-655.
19. Zhu Zheming, Ji S. and Xie Heping (1996). An improved method of collocation for the problem of crack surface subjected to uniform load, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 54(5) : 731-741.
20. Zhu Zheming (1993). A New Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness By Three Point Bend Specimen, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 45(2):141-147.
1. 《岩石力学与工程学报》编委;
2. 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 客座编辑(Guest Editor);
3. 国内外20余种期刊论文评阅人;
4. 四川省力学学会理事
1. 2014年四川省科技进步一等奖(排名第三);
2. 四川省学术带头人后备人选;
3. 2014.12获“四川大学优秀教师”;
4. 多次获得优秀毕业论文指导奖;
1. 发明专利:朱哲明,徐文涛,一种爆炸载荷下I型裂纹动态断裂韧度测试方法,专利申请号或专利号:201410643358.6;
2. 实用新型专利:朱哲明,唐昊. 一种混凝土含裂纹试件预置模版, 专利号: ZL 2012 2 0520797.4;